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675 N Arnott Street
Nappanee, IN 46550


The Farm, at 675 N. Arnott St., Nappanee, Indiana, is home to the Nappanee Power from the Past tractor club. The club’s purpose is the preservation of such information, documents, and artifacts as related to the history of human endeavor in the invention, development and use of farm tractors and related implements and equipment. The Club endeavors to educate present and future generations about the uses of such tractors and equipment.

Upcoming Events

Club Sponsored:

May 17: Charity Tractor Drive

June 14: Indiana Pulling League Tractor Pull

July 12: KOI Drags

September 13: Fall Tractor Pull

September 18–20: Tractor Show; in conjunction with the Nappanee Apple Festival

Contact us

If you have any questions concerning the club, please feel free to contact one of the following board members:

Tom Perry - President: 312-420-8649

Todd Scheets - Membership: 574-536-1300

Delbert Borkholder - Treasurer: 574-354-0548

If you are interested in joining the club, please feel free to attend one of our membership meetings, held the 3rd Tuesday of each month from April through November.

For general inquiries, please fill out the form or email us at npftp675@gmail.com.